Benî Adam is the only member of the world
Ki der-âferîneş zi-yek gevherend
Sadi Shirazi
Says Sadi Shirazi in his unforgettable couplets. So people are like organs of a body. They were created from the same substance.
Sadi Shirazi’s approach is also the same as the basis of our belief. Adam was created from soil, and almost everything that people eat in this world is directly or indirectly nourished by soil. If you think of fish taken from the sea, the person who caught those fish was able to extract that power with ships made from trees growing in the soil, and then with ships produced from mines hidden in the soil. So, what do I mean? In short, people are in a direct or indirect connection not only with themselves, but also with every member of nature. This invisible circle is the secret to how we influence each other.
Although the sources of diseases vary, many large and small diseases that people suffer from are directly related to eating habits and bad habits. “Does eating cause a disease?” Even though it may conjure up an association in the mind, even looking at the word meaning of obesity will be the answer to this question. Obesity is fatness that reaches the point of disease.
As a result of a study published in 2007, the World Health Organization announced the following striking result:
Overweight and obesity are responsible for 80% of Type 2 Diabetes, 35% of ischemic heart disease and 55% of hypertension in adults in Europe, causing more than 1 million deaths each year. If no measures are taken and considering that the increase in obesity prevalence continues at the same rate as in the 1990s, it is estimated that 150 million adults and 15 million children and adolescents will be obese in Europe by 2010.
The trend towards obesity is alarming, especially in children and adolescents. The annual increase in childhood obesity is growing. It is reported that today the prevalence of childhood obesity is 10 times higher than in the 1970s.
In the USA, as a result of the NHANES study evaluation of the prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents by the CDC, it was reported that 16.3% of children and adolescents in the 2-19 age group were obese (>95th percentile, when evaluated according to 2000 BMI growth curves for age) in 2003-2006. .
The countries with the highest prevalence of overweight in both genders in school-age children are Spain (35% at the age of 6-9) and Portugal (32% at the age of 7-9), and the countries with the lowest are Slovakia (15% at the age of 7-9) and France. (18% at age 7-9), Switzerland (18% at age 6-9) and Iceland (18% at age 9). (Source)

While the consequences of overeating and unbalanced nutrition are so frightening, in the words of Sadi Shirazi, “People are like the organs of a body.” can’t we? The main reason for this is that we cannot come together even on simple issues and raise awareness.
So, is humanity’s problem only obesity? As I mentioned before, people are one with nature. Every damage done to nature is a war that humans wage directly against their own future. We can compare this to a person who cuts off the branch he is sitting on. If we do not stop this crazy and reckless consumption, determine a healthy diet and increase preventive health services, it is clear that our resources are taking humanity to the abyss. What I mean by these words is not to defend the inadequacy of resources, but on the contrary, it is a cry against the reckless consumption of these abundant and sufficient resources.
It should be underlined again that fighting diseases is not possible by getting people sick. The real challenge is to ensure that people are not exposed to the disease. Prof., Turkey’s greatest neurosurgeon and one of the most respected scientists on this subject. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Aydın’s emergence is very important. Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Aydın shouted that NOT EVEN ONE THOUSAND OF THE BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR HEALTH EXPENDITURES WAS Spent ON PREVENTING DISEASES.
As a natural medicine physician, I am looking for healing sources against diseases from the endless treasures of nature, and I must say that I have come a long way on this path. However, when I look back on my own journey and consider the distance I have traveled along the way, I have not even completed the first block of the World of Natural Medicine. We all know that the soil from which man was created is sufficient to nourish him. But the soil not only feeds us, it shelters us, clothes us, and grows plants and resources that will heal us when we get sick. Remember that in the end, our return will be to the ground.
Although the wisdom of the Anatolian Saints cannot be grasped as much as the Western philosophers, the lines in which AŞIK VEYSEL declares the black earth as a faithful half must tell a lot to those who understand!
I hugged many people as friends
My faithful lover is black soil
I wandered around in vain, I got tired
My faithful lover is black soil
I’m stuck with so many beauties
I saw neither loyalty nor benefit.
I took all my desires from the soil
My faithful lover is black soil
He gave sheep, he gave lamb, he gave milk
He gave food, he gave bread, he gave meat
When he didn’t beat it with a pickaxe, it went famine.
My faithful lover is black soil
My generation brought this word from Adam
He made me eat all kinds of fruits
He took me on top every day
My faithful lover is black soil
Belinen who doesn’t dig for help in the stomach
I tore your face from your nails to your hands
The laughing one welcomed me again
My faithful lover is black soil
He would laugh at me as he tortured me
There is no lie in this, everyone saw it too
I gave him one seed and he gave me four orchards.
My faithful friend is black soil!
Asik Veysel
If we return to the immortal couplets of Sadi Shirazi, he says the following in the continuation of the couplets:
Çu uzvî be-derd âvered wind
What is the meaning of other organs?
To kere-mihnet-i othergerân bî-gami
Neşâyed ki nâmet nehend âdemî
Sadi Shirazi
If one of the organs in the body hurts one day, other organs will also be disturbed.
If you do not suffer from the troubles and pain of others, you are not worthy of being called human.