GMO: Genetically modified organism. Although it was first tested by planting in soil in 1985, commercial bread and sales of GMOs started in 1996.
GMO is a new living species created as a result of genetic modification of any living thing in the laboratory. Although it is claimed that what is promised is that plants and food products are more resistant to external factors such as harmful insects and become more productive, this is not true. Because for thousands of years, from Adam to present, human beings have eaten the same plants and the same animals have lived on earth, why should the natural thing suddenly be changed in the laboratory? This change is not as innocent as it is portrayed. The taste, color, size and smell of genetically modified foods change. That’s why the tomato we ate 30 years ago and the one we eat today seem to have no resemblance other than the name!
Additionally, the claim that productivity will increase is unfounded. The main reason for the food crisis experienced all over the world in recent years is GMO cultivation.
We were all warned about this in our Holy Book, the Holy Quran:
“The order has been disturbed on land and sea because of what people’s own hands have done, so Allah makes them taste some of what they have done so that they may turn back.” Surah Rum, verse 41

We have been eating GMO products for about 27 years. So why are GMO products dangerous and harmful? Asst. Assoc. Dr. In her article on the Health Thought and Medical Culture platform, Nihal Büyükuslu listed the harms that GMO products cause to the body, contrary to the praise made:
Effects of genetically modified organisms on human health
Scientific research has revealed that GMOs, in addition to all these seemingly advantageous aspects, carry potential risks. Products containing GMOs or GMO products may cause changes in food quality, develop antibiotic resistance and potential toxicity, or cause disruption of natural diversity and possible formation of new viruses and toxins due to gene escape into non-target organisms. They also pose a threat to genetic richness. The effects of all these genetically modified foods on human health have been tried to be determined by testing directly on animals or by examining their effects on animals and humans in areas where GM products are planted. Some examples of these studies are summarized below.
GM potatoes: Hungarian-born scientist Pusztai, who conducted his studies at the Rowett Institute, one of England’s leading research institutes, fed rats with genetically modified potatoes to produce the toxin that would kill its own pest. As a result, he found that cancer cells developed in rats, and the development of the brain, liver and testicles was blocked, part of the liver atrophied, and the pancreas and intestines enlarged. Additionally, his immune system was damaged.
GM tomatoes: 7 out of 20 rats fed with Flavr Savr patented tomatoes, which have been genetically modified to keep them fresh for a long time, for 28 days, suffered stomach bleeding, while 7 out of 40 rats died within two weeks. Flavr Savr, the first GMO tomato approved in America, was later withdrawn from the market.
GM cotton: A number of reactions occurred in the eyes, skin and upper respiratory tract in agricultural workers from 6 villages in India working in areas where Bt cotton, which contains the gene taken from the gram (+) bacterium called Bacillus thruringiensis, was planted. In addition, allergic conditions were also detected in workers working in the cotton sorting factory. Agricultural workers who worked in the fields before reported that they had not encountered such problems. As the time workers worked in the field increased, their complaints increased.
In India, 549 of 2,168 sheep (almost 25%) died within a week in a flock of sheep that regularly grazed in the fields where Bt cotton was produced. The autopsy revealed that these deaths occurred as a result of toxic reactions.
GM corn: In 2003, in the Philippines, approximately 100 people living near a field growing Bt corn developed skin, respiratory, intestinal reactions and other symptoms due to the spread of corn pollen. Antibody reactions to Bt-toxin were found in 39 people whose blood was tested. The same symptoms reappeared in 2004 in four other villages where the same type of corn was planted. Farmers reported that they observed some reproductive problems in farm animals fed GM corn. While some of the dairy cows fed with genetically modified Bt corn died on a farm in the Hesse region of Germany, other cows in the herd were slaughtered because the disease could not be detected. Although the producer of Bt corn did not accept that it was responsible for the cow deaths, it compensated the loss on the farm.
GM soy: Some very obvious changes were observed in the gene expression and structure of the testicular cells of mice fed with GM soy produced under the trade name Roundup. A temporary decrease in gene expression was observed in the embryos of mother mice fed GM soy. In another study, offspring of mice fed this soy diet died 3 weeks after birth. Some of these puppies were much smaller than normal and were displaying aggressive behavior. Additionally, mice fed this type of soy also developed problems in their liver cells and pancreas. The effect of GM soy on human health is not fully known. Approximately 89% of soy produced in the United States is branded Roundup Ready, and although most soy is used to feed barnyard animals, soy and soy products are also frequently used in human foods. Researchers at the York Laboratory in England tested 4,500 people to measure their sensitivity and allergic reactions to a range of foods (March 1999). While in previous years, 10% of soy consumers were affected by soy, this figure increased to 15% in 1999. In 17 years of testing, for the first time, soy has entered the top ten allergen list.
Animal reaction to GM products: It has been found that some animals avoid eating GM products. Animals that do not want to eat these products include cows, pigs, geese, deer, raccoons, mice, rats, moose and squirrels. A flock of geese that visit the Illinois pond in America every year was also grazing on a soybean field of approximately 50 acres near the pond. The year genetically modified soybeans were planted in half of the field, the owner observed that the geese were eating only the part where the conventional seeds were planted. The geese had never touched the GM soy side. A Dutch university student also presented a mixture of both GM and regular corn and soy to a group of mice. Over a 9-week period, the mice consumed 61% of the normal (unaltered) mixture and 39% of the GM mixture. When half of the mice were forced to eat only normal mice and the other half were forced to eat only GM mice, those forced to eat GM consumed more food, gained less weight, and were less active in their cages. At the end of the experiment, when they were weighed, it was observed that the mice fed GM soy were more stressed and were constantly running around and making strange movements.
L-Tryptophan used as a food additive: L-tryptophan, an essential amino acid, is used in the production of serotonin in the body. In the 1980s, L-tryptophan, produced by a company as a food additive in the USA, caused a fatal epidemic. The manufacturer had changed the genes of the bacteria to secrete this amino acid. However, because the final product contained contaminants, it resulted in the death of approximately 100 people and the illness of 5,000 to 10,000 people. It was later understood that this disease was caused by the L-Tryptophan amino acid produced by genetically modified bacteria, and the disease was named EMS (Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome).
Effects of genetically modified organisms on ecological balance
GMOs should also be examined in terms of their effects on the environment, biodiversity and ecological balance. While there are around 13 thousand plant species throughout Europe, there are 11 thousand plants in Turkey, some of which are endemic. Once gene transfer begins during the production of GM agricultural products, it is inevitable for the genetically modified product to contaminate non-genetically modified products. For this reason, uncontrolled GMO products introduced into the flora may destroy genetic diversity and will also make it difficult for local products to compete with GMO products. One of the most important dimensions of the dangers associated with GMO products is that, after a while, rich biodiversity will be replaced by GMO homogeneous products and thus natural biodiversity will be endangered.
As can be seen, GMO is not innocent at all and its effects are extremely serious. However, those who were not satisfied with this decided to play with the genes of human beings with the Genome Project, which is the next step of the GMO project! In my next article, I will explain the history and dangers of the Genome Project. Remember, human beings are natural beings created from soil. Nothing artificial has ever replaced what is natural, and it never will!
I wish you healthy days
Source: http://www.sdplatform.com/Dergi/558/Genetigi-degistirilmis-organizmalar-veinsan-sagligi-uzerine-etkileri.aspx