As you know, blood is liquid and this liquid part of the blood is called plasma. Plasma constitutes 55 percent of blood, while 90 percent of plasma is water. Blood has defense, coagulation and regulation functions in the body. It protects the body against foreign substances, toxins and similar factors through the cells it contains. In cases of any opening, injury or bleeding in the body, the platelets and coagulation properties of the blood act as a blockage and prevent bleeding. Cells survive through blood. In addition to regulating the acid-base value of blood body fluids, it also functions to balance the density of cell and tissue fluids and body temperature.
The classification system created by looking at antibodies and antigens in order to distinguish the characteristics of blood, which is the main source of life for humans, is called blood groups. It is divided into different types according to the blood proteins on the red blood cells and the antibodies in the immune system, and as a result, eight blood groups are formed. Separation of blood groups, which is of great importance for blood transfer between people, is as important as it is, and its results in different areas of health are also very effective in recent times.
The blood, which is so active and important in the body, is from a different group in each person. Realizing the importance of blood and starting to do research in the 1980s, Dr. James D’Adoma suggested that the nutritional system should be different according to the special structures of blood groups. There are four main blood groups common in the world. 0, A, B and AB. It determines that each of these blood groups has a special structure. According to these special structures, Dr. James D’Adoma systematizes different nutrition programs specific to blood groups.
According to this practice, which is still used today as an alternative healthy nutrition method, foods that are beneficial and harmful for each blood group have been revealed. Dr. claims that the food that is good for one blood group is extremely harmful compared to the other. James states that the common point among blood groups is that they drink 3 percent of their body weight in water.
Dr. In the book titled “Eat Right 4 Your Type”, written by James on the subject and included in the New York Best Seller list, the doctor states the main idea of the nutrition practice according to blood type as follows: “I have always believed that there are no two people in the world who are the same. Fingerprints, lip prints, and voice prints of two people do not match. There are no two blades of grass or two snowflakes that are alike. Since I believe that every person is different from the other, I thought it didn’t make sense for them to consume the same foods. I saw that each person exists in a different body with different abilities, weaknesses, and nutritional needs. “The only way to stay healthy or get rid of disease is to give that patient what he needs.”
How Should Nutrition Be According to Blood Groups?
Grouping of dietary habits specific to blood groups must be done by an expert. At the Hülya Giebel Health Center, I also implement special nutrition programs and food selection programs for suitable blood groups.
Group A: Those with blood group A should eat a diet completely free of red meat and based on plant sources. The diet of blood type A is very similar to a vegetarian diet.
Group B: People with blood type B should consume all plant foods, most animal sources (except chicken and pork) and some dairy products. However, they need to avoid certain foods such as wheat, corn, lentils, tomatoes and these.
Group AB: This group is like a mixture of groups A and B. Foods that this group should eat include seafood, tofu, dairy products, beans and grain products. They should avoid kidney beans, corn, white meat and red meat sources.
Type 0: The diet of people with group 0 is a high-protein diet based on meat, fish, poultry, and some fruits and vegetables. At the same time, grains, legumes and dairy products can be consumed in a limited way. This diet is likened to the stone age diet.
If you need support regarding nutrition according to blood group, which can be simply summarized as follows but is a highly multidisciplinary system, you can contact us through our communication channels and request an appointment.
Source: https://pinarhepyanimda.com/kan-gruplarina-gore-beslenme/