Prof. of Danish origin. Dr. When John Boel started researching which diseases acupuncture, which has a special place among natural medicine treatments, would be a source of healing in 1983, it was not taken seriously in the medical world. However, after 10 years of detailed study, Boel managed to develop a model called AcuNova. Today, he is considered a master in the field of acupuncture in many countries, including Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, Belgium and the United States. Prof. has trained thousands of acupuncturists and taught his own methods to date. Denmark bestowed a great honor on Boel in 2007 and established the Acupuncture University, where they accepted the doctor’s teachings as the basis of the curriculum. Although the idea of using acupuncture against eye diseases is not attractive to many people at first, Doctor Boel managed to eliminate prejudices by applying it wonderfully. Considering that there are more than ten thousand eye diseases, of course, acupuncture cannot be expected to be a cure for every eye disease, but in cases where the eye has poor vision or is damaged, the benefits of the MOB acupuncture model are accepted all over the world as an undeniable fact.
The factor that differentiated Modern Eye Acupuncture, which was developed by Prof. Dr. John Boel and created a shock in the world of natural medicine in 1996, from other models was its rapid effect and high treatment success rate. This treatment method, which spread all over the world in a short time and made a difference even in cases where modern medicine was helpless, broke new ground in Macular Degeneration and other eye diseases. The treatment, which lasts for ten days and is organized as 2 therapies per day, is the application of acupuncture to predetermined trigger points, including points near the eyes, hands, knees and feet. With this method, many eye diseases can be treated or discomfort can be minimized.
As a result of the training I received from the authorities, whose origins go back to Prof. Doctor John Boel, who also trained many specialists in Germany, I managed to become one of the few natural medicine specialists who have a certificate to apply this therapy. People who have discomfort in the eye area and are looking for a solution can receive treatment at Hülya Giebel Health Center by making an appointment.